Utilisator:ReyBrujo/Dumps/20070209/Sites linked more than 1 times
Sites linked more than 1 times
changiérSites linked more than 1 times as of February 09, 2007. Only articles in the main space are considered.
Link count | Site |
56 | http://kvaleberg.com |
30 | http://www.orthodoxwiki.org |
17 | http://www.cnewa.org |
6 | http://www.insee.fr |
5 | http://www.un.org |
5 | http://religion.info |
5 | http://en.wikipedia.org |
4 | http://arpitania.forumactif.com |
4 | http://www.ethnologue.com |
4 | http://www.catholic-hierarchy.org |
3 | http://www.admin.ch |
3 | http://www.valleedejoux.ch |
3 | http://www.atlasgeo.net |
3 | http://www.sil.org |
2 | http://www.basel.ch |
2 | http://www.ti.ch |
2 | http://www2.unine.ch |
2 | http://www.nw.ch |
2 | http://www.region-bretagne.fr |
2 | http://www.aigle.ch |
2 | http://www.corbeyrier.ch |
2 | http://www.communeduchenit.ch |
2 | http://www.cc-baschablais.com |
2 | http://www.alpes-leman.com |
2 | http://www.orthodox.sk |
2 | http://www.orthodoxresearchinstitute.org |
2 | http://www.armenianchurch.org |
2 | http://www.armeniapedia.org |
2 | http://www.indianchristianity.org |
2 | http://www.acam-france.org |
2 | http://www.bru.ro |
2 | http://www.am.gov.ae |
2 | http://stmichaelruscath.org |
2 | http://www.shjmun.gov.ae |
2 | http://www.newyork.tz4.com |
1 | http://www.ur.ch |
1 | http://www.Cotes-dArmor.pref.gouv.fr |
1 | http://www.cg22.fr |
1 | http://www.iompostiom.net |
1 | http://www.vd.ch |
1 | http://www.icj-cij.org |
1 | http://www.gr.ch |
1 | http://hypo.ge-dip.etat-ge.ch |
1 | http://www.neuchatelville.ch |
1 | http://www.be.ch |
1 | http://www.zh.ch |
1 | http://www.stzh.ch |
1 | http://www.bern.ch |
1 | http://www.lu.ch |
1 | http://www.sz.ch |
1 | http://www.ch.ch |
1 | http://www.swissworld.org |
1 | http://www.ai.ch |
1 | http://www.ar.ch |
1 | http://www.ag.ch |
1 | http://www.sh.ch |
1 | http://www.gl.ch |
1 | http://www.sg.ch |
1 | http://www.so.ch |
1 | http://www.zg.ch |
1 | http://www.tg.ch |
1 | http://www.geneve.ch |
1 | http://www.consiglio.regione.vda.it |
1 | http://www.gencat.net |
1 | http://www.lehendakaritza.ejgv.euskadi.net |
1 | http://www.vs.ch |
1 | http://www.bl.ch |
1 | http://www.bs.ch |
1 | http://www.fr.ch |
1 | http://www.jura.ch |
1 | http://www.chur.ch |
1 | http://www.ne.ch |
1 | http://son.memovs.ch |
1 | http://www.regione.puglia.it |
1 | http://portal.unesco.org |
1 | http://www.ceuta.es |
1 | http://www.morzine.fr |
1 | http://www.regione.piemonte.it |
1 | http://www.schweizergarde.org |
1 | http://www.zermatt.ch |
1 | http://www.martigny.ch |
1 | http://www.grimisuat.ch |
1 | http://www.monthey.ch |
1 | http://www.francoprovenzale.it |
1 | http://www.vallesoana.it |
1 | http://www.saviese.ch |
1 | http://www.comune.oulx.to.it |
1 | http://www.ghironda.com |
1 | http://www.occitania.it |
1 | http://www.espaci-occitan.org |
1 | http://www.wikipedia.org |
1 | http://www.celledisanvito.com |
1 | http://www.comune.faeto.fg.it |
1 | http://www.comune.guardiapiemontese.cs.it |
1 | http://www.chateauaigle.ch |
1 | http://www.brassus.ch |
1 | http://www.meyrin.ch |
1 | http://www.ville-ge.ch |
1 | http://www.ucv.ch |
1 | http://usuarios.lycos.es |
1 | http://www.aran.org |
1 | http://www.aranes.org |
1 | http://aquitaine.fr |
1 | http://www.region-alsace.eu |
1 | http://www.cr-bourgogne.fr |
1 | http://www.regioncentre.fr |
1 | http://www.cr-champagne-ardenne.fr |
1 | http://www.corse.fr |
1 | http://www.franche-comte.fr |
1 | http://www.iledefrance.fr |
1 | http://www.cr-languedocroussillon.fr |
1 | http://www.cr-limousin.fr |
1 | http://www.cr-lorraine.fr |
1 | http://www.midipyrenees.fr |
1 | http://www.cr-npdc.fr |
1 | http://www.cr-basse-normandie.fr |
1 | http://www.region-haute-normandie.com |
1 | http://www.paysdelaloire.fr |
1 | http://www.cr-picardie.fr |
1 | http://www.cr-poitou-charentes.fr |
1 | http://www.regionpaca.fr |
1 | http://www.cr-rhone-alpes.fr |
1 | http://www.chablais.ch |
1 | http://www.cr-guyane.fr |
1 | http://www.cr-guadeloupe.fr |
1 | http://www.cr-martinique.fr |
1 | http://www.regionreunion.com |
1 | http://crdp.ac-bordeaux.fr |
1 | http://www.dglf.culture.gouv.fr |
1 | http://www.lexilogos.com |
1 | http://patois.vivant.free.fr |
1 | http://www.bresse-bourguignonne.com |
1 | http://www.thonex.ch |
1 | http://www.onex.ch |
1 | http://www.versoix.ch |
1 | http://arpitan.romandie.com |
1 | http://www.evolena-nostra.ch |
1 | http://www.vernier.ch |
1 | http://www.lancy.ch |
1 | http://www.chene-bougeries.ch |
1 | http://www.predsjednik.cg.yu |
1 | http://www.gom.cg.yu |
1 | http://clouef.canalblog.com |
1 | http://www.veyrier.ch |
1 | http://www.sillingy74.fr |
1 | http://www.ville-thonon.fr |
1 | http://www.labalmedesillingy.fr |
1 | http://village.rochetaillee.free.fr |
1 | http://www.ville-annecy.fr |
1 | http://www.larochesurforon.fr |
1 | http://www.agglo-annecy.fr |
1 | http://www.ville-rennes.fr |
1 | http://www.ville-lyon.fr |
1 | http://www.sabaudia.org |
1 | http://www.mairie-chambery.fr |
1 | http://mirandes.no.sapo.pt |
1 | http://www.romaniaminor.net |
1 | http://www.eb2-miranda-douro.rcts.pt |
1 | http://www.ville-caen.fr |
1 | http://www.memorial-caen.fr |
1 | http://www.mairie-lille.fr |
1 | http://www.comune.alghero.ss.it |
1 | http://www.mairie-ouaga.bf |
1 | http://www.ec-patr.gr |
1 | http://www.inforoute-communale.gov.bf |
1 | http://www.Tintin.com |
1 | http://www.jerusalem-patriarchate.org |
1 | http://www.greekorthodox-alexandria.org |
1 | http://www.antiochpat.org |
1 | http://www.mospat.ru |
1 | http://e.korsoun.free.fr |
1 | http://www.strasbourg-reor.org |
1 | http://www.orthodoxeurope.org |
1 | http://www.patriarchate.ge |
1 | http://spc.org.yu |
1 | http://www.patriarhia.ro |
1 | http://bulch.tripod.com |
1 | http://www.efta.int |
1 | http://www.iti-itas.com |
1 | http://www.orbilat.com |
1 | http://www.drg.ch |
1 | http://www.liarumantscha.ch |
1 | http://www.spell-termles.ladinia.net |
1 | http://www.istladin.net |
1 | http://www.micura.it |
1 | http://www.istitut.pedagogich.it |
1 | http://www.churchofcyprus.org.cy |
1 | http://www.ecclesia.gr |
1 | http://www.orthodoxalbania.org |
1 | http://www.orthodox.pl |
1 | http://www.racocatala.com |
1 | http://www.mallorcaweb.net |
1 | http://www.franjadeponent.net |
1 | http://www.matarranya.com |
1 | http://www.facao.com |
1 | http://www.cerib.org |
1 | http://www.encomix.es |
1 | http://www.ville-saintdie.fr |
1 | http://www.iutsd.uhp-nancy.fr |
1 | http://www.pravoslavnacirkev.cz |
1 | http://www.oca.org |
1 | http://www.caucaz.com |
1 | http://www.sysselmannen.svalbard.no |
1 | http://www.jan-mayen.no |
1 | http://www.ort.fi |
1 | http://www.cicr.org |
1 | http://www.olympic.org |
1 | http://www.olympicwatch.org |
1 | http://www.longyearbyen.net |
1 | http://www.unis.no |
1 | http://www.trncgov.com |
1 | http://www.haut-karabagh.com |
1 | http://www.president-pmr.org |
1 | http://www.gibraltar.gov.gi |
1 | http://www.orthodoxa.org |
1 | http://www.orthodox.ee |
1 | http://www.unmikonline.org |
1 | http://www.orthodox.org.ua |
1 | http://www.mitropolia.md |
1 | http://www.orthodox.lv |
1 | http://www.church.by |
1 | http://www.sba.mod.uk |
1 | http://www.gov.gg |
1 | http://www.gov.je |
1 | http://www.poa-info.org |
1 | http://www.religioscope.com |
1 | http://www2.gol.com |
1 | http://www.kievpatr.org.ua |
1 | http://uaoc.info |
1 | http://www.uaoc.org |
1 | http://www.mpc.org.mk |
1 | http://balkans.courriers.info |
1 | http://www.sinaimonastery.com |
1 | http://www.athos.gr |
1 | http://www.moc-cpc.org |
1 | http://www.cr-auvergne.fr |
1 | http://www.belaoc.com |
1 | http://www.belarusguide.com |
1 | http://www.russianorthodoxchurch.ws |
1 | http://www.rpsc.ru |
1 | http://www.ethiopianorthodox.org |
1 | http://www.tewahdo.com |
1 | http://www.indianorthodoxchurch.com |
1 | http://www.orthodoxsyrianchurch.com |
1 | http://www.orthodoxherald.com |
1 | http://www.icon.org.in |
1 | http://iods.org |
1 | http://www.indianorthodoxchurch.org |
1 | http://syriacchristianity.org |
1 | http://catholicose.org |
1 | http://sor.cua.edu |
1 | http://www.suryanikadim.org |
1 | http://www.socdigest.org |
1 | http://www.cired.org |
1 | http://www.assyrianchurchnews.com |
1 | http://lexicorient.com |
1 | http://www.stzaiacathedral.org.au |
1 | http://www.marshaleeta.4t.com |
1 | http://www.comune.aosta.it |
1 | http://www.malabar.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk |
1 | http://www.pgc-lb.org |
1 | http://www.mliles.com |
1 | http://fr.wikipedia.org |
1 | http://www.armeniancatholic.org |
1 | http://www.alcuentros.org |
1 | http://www.wikimapia.org |
1 | http://www.lactintin.co.rn |
1 | http://www.socmnet.org |
1 | http://www.assyrianchurch.com.au |
1 | http://www.assyrianchurch-europe.org |
1 | http://www.cerclesyriaque.fr |
1 | http://www.orthodoxie.com |
1 | http://www.orthodoxpress.com |
1 | http://www.echo-orthodoxe.net |
1 | http://blogetpolitique.typepad.com |
1 | http://www.tserkovnost.org |
1 | http://www.orthodoxphotos.com |
1 | http://www.geocities.com |
1 | http://frp.wikipedia.org |
1 | http://www.dubai.ae |
1 | http://www.sheikhmohammed.ae |
1 | http://www.abudhabi.com |
1 | http://www.ugcc.org.ua |
1 | http://www.ichistory.org |
1 | http://www.archeparchy.ca |
1 | http://www.ukrarcheparchy.com |
1 | http://www.omanet.om |
1 | http://www.dm.gov.ae |
1 | http://www.thesyromalabarchurch.org |
1 | http://www.syromalabar.com |
1 | http://www.malankara.net |
1 | http://www.churchoftheeastindia.org |
1 | http://www.nestorian.org |
1 | http://tintin.arpitania.eu |
1 | http://www.ecs.org.et |
1 | http://kidane-mehret.org |
1 | http://www.coptic.net |
1 | http://www.copticpope.org |
1 | http://www.armenica.org |
1 | http://www.araratian-tem.am |
1 | http://www.armenianchurchwd.com |
1 | http://www.armenianchurch.net |
1 | http://www.cathcil.org |
1 | http://www.armenianprelacy.org |
1 | http://www.westernprelacy.org |
1 | http://www.hyeetch.nareg.com.au |
1 | http://www.lraper.org |
1 | http://www.istanbulguide.net |
1 | http://www.armenian-patriarchate.org |
1 | http://www.holyland.org |
1 | http://www.coptcatholic.com |
1 | http://www.britishorthodox.org |
1 | http://www.orthodoxie-celtique.net |
1 | http://www.orthodox.ch |
1 | http://www.celticorthodox.org |
1 | http://www.dskmariam.org |
1 | http://www.st-catherine.ru |
1 | http://www.freeworldmaps.net |
1 | http://www.assyriancoalition.com |
1 | http://www.tangsudo.it |
1 | http://www.velkd.de |
1 | http://www.selk.de |
1 | http://aca.arpitania.eu |
1 | http://www.dc.gov |
1 | http://www.marthomasyrianchurch.org |
1 | http://www.marthomanae.com |
1 | http://www.marthoma.org.uk |
1 | http://byzantines.net |
1 | http://www.belarusians.co.uk |
1 | http://www.atanaz.hu |
1 | http://www.ucet.ca |
1 | http://www.exarchat.cz |
1 | http://www.mgce.uz.ua |
1 | http://www.archeparchy.org |
1 | http://www.grkat.nfo.sk |
1 | http://www.catholic-bg.org |
1 | http://krizevci.hbk.hr |
1 | http://www.elcathex.com |
1 | http://rumkatkilise.org |
1 | http://rgcc.narod.ru |
1 | http://vselenskiy.narod.ru |
1 | http://www.byzcath.ru |
1 | http://www.damian-hungs.de |
1 | http://www.webdiocesi.chiesacattolica.it |
1 | http://www.eparchiapiana.it |
1 | http://www.abbaziagreca.it |
1 | http://www.byzantines.net |
1 | http://clubsyriaque.org |
1 | http://www.objectiftintin.com |
1 | http://www.cartoon-secrets.com |
1 | http://www.altdorf.ch |
1 | http://www.bellinzona.ch |
1 | http://www.ville-saintdenis-reunion.fr |
1 | http://www.paris.fr |
1 | http://fulleda.ddl.net |
1 | http://www.municat.net:8000 |
1 | http://www.idescat.es |
1 | http://es.geocities.com |
1 | http://www.montpellier.fr |
1 | http://www.toulouse.fr |
1 | http://www.om-plural.org |
1 | http://www.independencia.net |
1 | http://la.wikipedia.org |
1 | http://www.utah.gov |
1 | http://www.utah.travel |
1 | http://www.karozota.com |
1 | http://www.st-adday.com |
1 | http://www.tjc.org |
1 | http://www.ugine.com |
1 | http://www.cabinda.net |
1 | http://www.carouge.ch |
1 | http://lang.arabe.free.fr |
1 | http://www.chatel-st-denis.ch |